SECURE the Job Journey - Day 4
Plan for the Day
Send LinkedIn Messages to folks connected to the adaptive reuse projects around Atlanta that I found
TRY AGAIN - sign up for one volunteering event for the upcoming week
Send messages to folks you have previously messaged on LinkedIn
Go though the Job Hunting folder in my emails and rekindle those old convos
Apply to 10 more jobs in the job spready and reach out to folks connected to the company or have a similar job title.
What I Actually Executed
I got through tasks 2 & 3. I didn't fully do task 1, honestly I chickened out a bit because I got intimidated. IDK… I got in my head. I touched on tasks 4 & 5 as well. It was a pretty well-rounded day.
I got some hits! I had a call today with someone on LinkedIn and then I got some responses from some emails and messages from yesterday. One of my classmates reached out to me and referred me for a job! I did, unfortunately, get an email rejection for a job and it did throw me off, but I’m trying to focus on the traction I’m building.
Today was a bit of an off-day, so I had to jump into something that would cheer me up during a tough job hunting day.
I guess I’m antsy and unsettled…
Comparison did get me a bit. I feel like I’ve been on the outside of my industry just trying to get in and I keep getting locked out. I had to stay off some of my peers’ LinkedIn pages with their fancy job titles and record of progress in their fields of work. I know it’s only day 4 of this and I’m only 29, but I can't help but to feel behind. All the work I did in school and then going back to get a second degree AND a LEED Green Associate credential and I STILLLL feel like it’s not enough when it comes to what some of these jobs want. It frustrates me and kinda breaks me when I hear how the earth is basically up in flames and I have sooooo much to give this industry, yet because of missing a keyword or something I get cast aside. Maybe this is my job-hunting PTSD (if that’s even a real thing) creeping up from the last time I was in this situation. I guess I’ve just been here before and remember the mental and emotional turmoil I endured.
I have sooooo many applications that I haven’t been able to get to yet. I start filling one out and then I get in my head, feel unqualified for the position, and then start feeling like wasting my time filling that one out instead of another. Everything feels right and wrong at the same time. There are so many avenues I want to try for job hunting and I feel like I need to do like 10 things at once in order to move the needle. But we all know that’s not effective. That’s my fear and impatience talking.
Yea… today had my head all over the place. I KNOWWWWW I moved the needle. I guess I just didn’t get as many things done as I would have liked and it has me feeling like I missed an opportunity to get a job because I didn’t get to an important task. But ALL the tasks are important!!
Hmm, maybe I’ll do something fun tomorrow.
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk(ing Sh*t).